Hi, I'm Emily.

I am a wife, mother, registered nurse, Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant and an infant bodyworker. 

I began my career as a NICU and Labor and Delivery nurse passionately caring for women and babies.  The intimacy of working with new families is a treasured piece of my job over the years. After I had my daughter, I fell deeply in love with breastfeeding. Through navigating our own troubles, I began to wonder why breastfeeding is so challenging for women in our society. I remember thinking, "if this is so hard for me as a baby nurse, I cannot imagine how hard it must be for other women." 


"If this is so hard for me as a baby nurse,

I cannot imagine how hard it must be for other women."

I was acutely aware of the lack of good information out there as I searched for how to resolve that which I could not explain was going on between my daughter and me. It was then that my own intuition led me down a path to confidence and radical responsibility as her mother.With this new confidence, I knew I must plunge deeper into the system to help other women, so I became an IBCLC.  My passion for helping women meet their breastfeeding goals is unrivaled.  When I realized that obtaining my IBCLC alone would not breed the success I was looking for with my clients, I started studying infant bodywork and foundational movement. Only then did I start to witness the true healing in the families I was working with and in my own. I will graduate from Appalachian State with a Masters in Nutrition and Public Health with my focus being on women's prenatal and postpartum nutrition as well as infant and toddler nutrition. I hope to continue to learn and grow, so I can better serve the families I work with. Each mother I have seen as a client has tremendously impacted my journey, and I look forward to continuing.





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