Turn your fussy, gassy, colicky baby into a happy, calm baby that breastfeeds easily

Learn how to make breastfeeding a breeze with simple bodywork practices that you can do right at home


Bodywork practices are the answer to bringing out your happy, easy-going baby


I get it.

Your baby is screaming all the time, you're getting NO sleep, your nipples are cracked, breastfeeding feels impossible, and it is not the dreamy newborn days you were anticipating.

You want to give up.

I have the solution for you, mama.


Are you ready to:

âś“ Have a HAPPY, easy-going baby

âś“ Fix your breastfeeding troubles without constantly seeing an LC

âś“ Breastfeed with confidence

Blissful Breastfeeding

As an IBCLC and infant bodyworker, I created this course because YOU, as a mom, are the only one who can cultivate the blissful breastfeeding experience you and your baby desire.


In this course you'll learn how to:

âś“ Practice bodywork moves that will transform your newborn baby's temperament

âś“ Properly navigate common issues that arise as your newborn transitions to a baby and then a toddler

âś“ Intuitively know how to care for your baby no matter what's thrown your way

I'm Ready!

What moms who have taken this course are saying...

Emily has changed my life! When I first came to Emily, I was burnt out and ready to move to exclusive pumping. I had been triple feeding for seven weeks on top of my baby vomiting frequently from feeds and didn't know what to do without my breastfeeding pillow. This had been dismissed by a previous IBCLC as having a baby who suffered from a bad tongue tie and 'hoped' it would improve over time if we didn't want to have it released. Flash forward ONE week, Emily helped resolve all these issues and I'm now comfortable to nurse anywhere. She is truly an expert who knows what she's doing. She has a no nonsense approach and is results oriented - gets straight to the point and is super responsive while taking a full body, holistic approach. All of this while remaining super compassionate and kind. I genuinely would not be enjoying motherhood in the same way if I had not found her and I'm so glad I didn't give up on breastfeeding.

Kathleen Fitzgerald

Emily is absolutely amazing and I feel so lucky to have found her. I was feeling lost and defeated with my daughter, and she swooped in with her sunshine, knowledge, expertise, and kind heart. My daughter wouldn’t let anyone touch her, except Emily, and what a difference it made. I would recommend Emily to any mama who is looking for support, reassurance, and help with their littles!! Now that I purchased her course I can do it all in my own home!! Thank you Emily!!

Meghan Stevens

I hired Emily before the birth of my second child. I wanted to be prepared because I had a myriad of issues with my first breastfeeding journey. Upon meeting Emily, I loved her warm personality and I loved that she stressed the importance of the mother/infant dyad. I appreciated her breastfeeding class because it prepared myself and my husband. I already knew nutrition was supremely important but I realized that I didn’t eat enough with my first. Baby #2 was born and Emily supported us from day 1. Our baby had a significant tongue tie that was causing me extreme pain. We decided to release at 5 days old and nursing was much better after. We hit another bump in the road when we learned that his tie had reattached. Again, Emily was there in her warm supportive way to offer encouragement/ advice. The best piece of advice she game me was to trust my instinct. I leaned into that and I kept my baby close and offered to nurse whenever he wanted. He learned and he grew. We were back to exclusively BF in no time and he’s in 90th percentile for weight. I also listened to my body and ate lots of quality protein—no issues with milk supply this time! I know we never would’ve made it had I not listened to my gut and I’m very thankful for the education Emily provided. I look forward to learning about her bodywork course so I can nurture my children even more. Thank you, Emily!

Kaitlyn Florian



How You Mother

YOU deserve the pure joy and contentment that comes from breastfeeding easily. I strongly believe in a mother's biological ability to breastfeed her baby.

Maybe all you are missing are some simple tools. 



Dynamic Infant Movement For Breastfeeding And Beyond



  • Learn my EASY bodywork routine to do on your baby

  • Access the course and all lessons FOR LIFE (as in, for all future babies!)

  • Join a private Facebook community of like-minded mamas at your fingertips where you can ask me ANY and all baby and breastfeeding questions