Breastfeeding and Well-Baby Support

I strongly believe in the mother-infant dyad and their biological design to breastfeed successfully in a supportive environment.

Through virtual consultations and my Dynamic Infant Movement e-course, I help women tap into their own intuition as mothers to bring their babies into health and vitality through optimal nourishment and bodywork.

Are you ready to become the centerpiece of your family's health? The matriarch that breeds vibrancy? 

Our goal is thriving babies and toddlers, and together we can achieve that goal. 


My Mission For Women

My mission is to support a mother’s desire to breastfeed through skilled lactation work, infant body work, and education on breastfeeding-related topics such as pregnancy, birth, and nutrition. 

I believe women can be confident in breastfeeding, baby care, and motherhood. I use my years of education and experience to holistically transform families through the mother.



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Sign up today for For the Love of Breastfeeding news and a special offer on my E-Course "Dynamic Infant Movement for Breastfeeding and Beyond"

Does your baby struggle to nurse? Are they behind on developmental milestones? Does your toddler sleep with their mouth open?

I created the e-course “Dynamic Infant Movement for Breastfeeding and Beyond” to empower moms to do the bodywork I do in my office on their own babies at home. The work I teach has powerful and impactful results. It helps babies get back to breastfeeding after months of not being able to. It helps babies get back into their bodies, so that they can start crawling when and how they are designed to. It helps toddlers open up their body, so that they can be their most vibrant self. It builds a mother’s confidence to care for and support her own baby without needing to go to a million appointments. If you’re like me as a new mom, you’re wondering why it just isn’t easier. It’s because we weren’t given the tools we need.

Here’s the tool mama. I cannot wait to see you in our community. 


"Emily was a life saver during my breastfeeding journey! A few days after leaving the hospital with my baby girl (Kylin) I was in so much pain and getting so frustrated with breastfeeding that I was ready to give up. I looked up IBCLC’s around Charlotte and got so lucky to connect with Emily. She came to my home on a day she didn’t typically work because she could tell how distraught I was! Every visit she was so caring and honest. She was always receptive and willing to answer any questions I had (even ones not breastfeeding related). She quickly discovered Kylin had a tongue tie but provided a list of options we could try before getting a tongue tie release. I was so happy to not feel pressured to do the procedure just yet and felt Emily really listened to what I wanted for my baby. We did ultimately need to get the release and Emily offered her bodywork services as well (which Kylin always enjoyed)! I always felt so much better leaving any appointment because all of my concerns were addressed and I was truly listened to without judgement. I am now almost three months strong breastfeeding and I know I couldn’t have done it without Emily’s help! Kylin and I are forever grateful and we will certainly see Emily again if a sibling comes along!"

"Thank you so much Emily!!! You are truly a baby whisperer!! We tried the laid back nursing position and I was in tears (of joy) because it was the first time I didn't experience intense pain with latching and feeding her!!"

"I met Emily through my doula soon after my son was born. I could immediately see her passion for helping moms and babies! When we finally came to see son was 7 months old and only nursing from one side, just got through a feeding aversion from his tie release, and was visibly very tight. Shockingly we had been told over and over that he was "fine" or we "couldn't be helped any further." Thank goodness for Emily and her work! After just a few sessions, he is now nursing from both sides again, sleeping better on his back, and his posture and openness has noticeably improved! So thankful for Emily's willingness to help and her constant encouragement and advice for this new mom! "


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